Daniel | From a temporary work experience to permanent employee

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  • Success Stories
man in manufacturing job at desk

After earning his degree in CNC Operation and Programing from Milwaukee Area Technical College in 2019, Daniel Y. began his job search journey with the hopes of finding employment within his career focus.

Daniel’s interests included programming, problem-solving, and figuring out ways to have machines produce parts. Despite his new degree and a wide range of skill sets, Daniel lacked confidence in his interviewing skills and needed help securing a full-time position.

In July 2019, Daniel started working with Goodwill's Employment Services Program after being referred by his Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) counselor. Daniel had never had a job within the field of CNC and manufacturing, so it was an entirely new job search for him. He also had difficulties when interviewing due to his speech impairment and had to work on those skills in order to show his knowledge and confidence. Jeremy Kroeger, Goodwill Employment Specialist, helped Daniel update his resume, practice interview skills, and provided him with job leads.

Although a few companies showed interest in hiring Daniel for a full-time position, nothing ever materialized into a job offer. After applying to different jobs for almost a year, COVID-19 hit, making the job search process much more difficult. Additionally, because Daniel is a part of the higher-risk population, his family did not feel comfortable leaving the house.

During this time, Daniel did not take a break from his job search. Instead, he continued to meet with Mr. Kroeger over the phone to practice interviewing skills and resumed other job search activities. Mr. Kroeger found it difficult to find employers willing to give Daniel the same chance as others during the interview process. However, he noted that Daniel always kept a positive attitude. "One of the things that always amazed me about Daniel was his unwavering enthusiasm for the job search. He never got frustrated or defeated during our weekly meetings."

In a turn of events, Mr. Kroeger connected with Jonathan from ABB in August 2020, a new employer that began a relationship with Goodwill. ABB, a leading global technology company, is also a second chance employer that believes in celebrating diversity within the workplace. Following a tour and interview, ABB expressed interest in bringing Daniel onto the team through a Temporary Work Experience (TWE).

After 14 months of job searching, Daniel started a three-month TWE with ABB as a Production Assembler II on September 28, 2020. His responsibilities include assembly work, downloading software to products, packaging products for safe delivery, labeling boxes, and following safety rules and regulations. During his TWE, Mr. Kroeger continued supporting Daniel through job coaching and follow-up services. According to Daniel, the TWE experience completely changed his life. “One of the most impactful moments for me when starting my TWE with ABB was truly feeling comfortable while working in a job I was interested in. It took a long time to get here, but it was worth the wait.”

Once his TWE ended, ABB offered Daniel a full-time, permanent position that he gladly accepted! He is grateful for Goodwill’s assistance along his journey.

“The employment services at Goodwill were very helpful in my job search process. I’m excited for future career opportunities ahead with ABB. Right now, my goals are to work my way up within ABB and begin saving up so that I can rent my apartment and get out of my parents' house!”

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