Connecting people to work. Preparing people for life.
Perks Plus Members! Don't Miss Double Points
January 11 - 17
Earn 2x the points on all your favorite finds!
Start your employment journey with us
Get the tools and opportunities to make your next move.
Helping Job Seekers and the Community
We help people in Greater Milwaukee and Chicago gain the skills, knowledge and support they need to change their lives through The Power of Work.
About Us
We enhance the dignity and quality of life for individuals and families by strengthening communities, eliminating barriers to opportunity, and much more.
Job Training
We offer training programs that can help you start your first career, find a new career or overcome barriers to finding and keeping a job.
Mission Services
We're dedicated to enhancing our community's well-being through various services that can support your health, independence, and economic stability.
Donate Today
Help support your community. Every donation helps people find jobs, build skills and thrive.