December 2024 Day Services Calendars
It's Getting Cold Outside
Please make sure members are dressing appropriately. We will not send them on outings if they do not have proper attire to be outdoors!
Please also make sure items are labeled – hats, gloves, jackets, etc. If wearing boots outside, it is OK to send members with tennis shoes for the day; we can keep boots in another area as they can be difficult to walk in.
Participants are encouraged to limit the number of personal belongings brought to the program. Excessive amounts of personal belongings are leading to lost/ misplaced items. Please bring only what is needed.
Winter Weather Reminder
We make every effort to keep programs operating, but winter weather is often unpredictable. We encourage all program participants and caregivers who rely on public or private para-transit to be aware anytime the weather road conditions appear threatening. Even on days Goodwill remains open you will need to make the final decision on whether it is safe for you to come to our program site. On extreme weather days, Goodwill administrators will decide whether it is safe to run the Goodwill programs which serve seniors and adults with disabilities. Please check & update all contact information with you case manager or program supervisor to receive closing announcements anytime the weather or road conditions appear threatening.
We will make the announcement as early in the morning as possible
the announcement will say “Goodwill day services closed.”
December Day Services Calendars by Location
Community Opportunities Club North Calendar
Community Opportunities Club South Calendar